Today's Kindness: May 16, 2022
Do Something For Your Neighbor
Happy National Do Something Good For Your Neighbor Day!
The first thing that comes to mind for most of us when we hear neighbor is the next-door neighbor of the family that lives across the street, right? Well, they sure are your neighbors, especially in the literal meaning of the word.
But, loving your neighbors involves all the people in your community and the world. Those who live in your neighborhood and those who don't. Those who work with you, go to school with you, or even serve you at your local coffee shop.
Our neighbors are our friends, and it is important to show them love and appreciation at every chance we get. Today is a reminder that we all have friendly neighbors and should treat each other with love, honesty, and respect.
Celebrate today by showing acts of kindness to your neighbors, friends, and anyone you cross paths with. It's a simple and easy task. By being grateful for others' needs we become more aware of our own world and the world around us.
"Imagine what our real neighborhoods would be like if each of us offered, as a matter of course, just one kind word to another person."
- Mr. Fred Rogers