Kindness Advent Calendar: December 13, 2022 (Day 13)


🎄What's Your Holiday Tradition?🕎

Welcome to Day 13 of your Kindness Advent Calendar! Throughout December, we will be providing you with your daily act of kindness through our Kindness Advent Calendar! Come and celebrate the holiday season as we are kind all December long.

Today's Kindness is provided by you! We want to know, what are some of your favorite holiday traditions and why do you love them?

Do you go drive around town to look at Christmas lights with your family? Do you host a Secret Santa with your friends? How about lighting the Hanukkah menorah with your family and friends? Or finding the perfect latke recipe?

Tell us in the comments on our Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and we will feature you in an upcoming Today's Kindness about diversity in different holiday traditions!

"Have a magnificent holiday! Celebrate as if holidays are a reflection of your dreams, desires, traditions, and values all wrapped in happiness and joy."

~ Debasish Mridha

Song Of The Day: