Today's Kindness #145: August 16, 2022


Laugh Often 😂

What happened to the comedian on August 16th during National Tell A Joke Day? Everyone stole his punchlines! All joking aside, get out there and laugh a little and tell some funny ones.

This day will be filled with smiles and laughter from morning till night. Jokes consist of humorous stories, either written or verbal, that often end with a punchline. While slapstick includes props and even minor stunts on the part of the storyteller, the best jokes are usually short. They involve a little misdirection and a well-delivered punchline. The more jokes you tell, the more fun you will have, and so will those around you.

Since jokes come in many forms, try out your favorite. For some, that might be a one-liner or a knock-knock joke. While many people groan at the sight of a pun, they bring on chuckles, too. If you aren't comfortable with the whole comedic act, rely on your sense of irony. Use this approach like seasoning, however. You might have a tough crowd. Others simply rely on gestures to express humor.

In moderation, laughter is healthy, uses the abdominal muscles, and releases endorphins (natural feel-good chemicals) into the brain.

"If one has no sense of humor, one is in trouble."

~ Betty White

Song Of The Day: