Today's Kindness #206: November 1, 2022


Reflect & Rework

Today, November 1, marks the start of many of the holiday season!

Reflection on the past month is to look at the highs and lows and evaluate them to improve your performance during the holiday season!

Even in the past month, the world has been changing and changing in good and bad ways. It's a good time to look at what were your wins and what were your losses and why they happened.

After reflecting, make some goals for the season. The next two months involve the changing seasons, multiple holidays, meeting with family, and much more. It's great to plan for things so you are not rushing when it actually happens.

"Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choice."

- Anonymous

P.S. Christmas Songs Of The Day starts today on AKAD!

Song Of The Day: