Today's Kindness #281: February 23, 2023


🕊️🌎Understanding World Peace🌎🕊️

World Understanding and Peace Day takes place on February 23 every year. This day is actually a commemoration of the first meeting of Rotary that was held. This meeting of businesspeople, which aimed to be a space where their backgrounds didn't matter, started the chain of events that led to the formation of Rotary International. An international organization dedicated to humanitarian service as well as peace and goodwill throughout the world, Rotary International began in Chicago, U.S. The date of the first meeting has since become World Understanding and Peace Day, which is part of the World Understanding Month celebrations in February.

How To Observe:

  1. Attend Programs At Your Local Rotary Club

    Rotary Clubs across the world organize talks, events, and related programs to celebrate World Understanding and Peace Day throughout February. You could attend a few and inspire your friends.

  2. Begin A Project For Peace

    From art to community service, you can start any kind of project that promotes peacebuilding and conflict resolution. You could extend it by hosting it at your public library.

  3. Learn More About Conflict Resolution

    Sign up for classes, read more on the internet, or go for lectures and talks. Generally, become more informed about the processes of peace.

"If you don't know the guy on the other side of the world, love him anyway because he's just like you. He has the same dreams, the same hopes and fears. It's one world, pal. We're all neighbors."

~ Frank Sinatra

Song Of The Day: